El blog Engadget y sus lectores han hecho su lista de los mejores Gadgets del 2005.

Quizas te den una idea de que regalar (o regalarme)para este 14 de febrero. 🙂

Gadget del Año
Segun Lectores: Apple iPod (5g)

Segun Engadget: Microsoft Xbox 360

Fusion del Año:
Segun Lectores: eBay and Skype
Segun Engadget: Sprint and Nextel

PeorGadget del Año:
Segun Lectores: Motorola ROKR E1
Segun Engadget: Gizmondo

Weird Gadget of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Solid Alliance USB Spaghetti
Engadget Pick: Solid Alliance USB Spaghetti

Disappointment of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Motorola ROKR E1
Engadget Pick: Creative Zen Vision

Anticipated Gadget of 2006

Readers’ Choice: Sony PlayStation 3
Engadget Pick: Sony
PlayStation 3

Cellphone of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Motorola V3c
Engadget Pick: Sony Erisson w800

Smartphone of the Year

Choice: Palm Treo 650 (GSM)
Engadget Pick: HTC Universal

Desktop of the Year

Readers’ Choice: Apple Power Mac G5 (quad)
Engadget Pick: Sony RC Series

Digital Camera of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Canon EOS 5D
Engadget Pick:
Canon EOS 5D

Display of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Dell 2405fpw
Engadget Pick: Dell 2405fpw

Game Console of the Year

Choice: Microsoft Xbox 360
Engadget Pick: Microsoft Xbox 360

GPS Device or Application of
the Year

Readers’ Choice: Google Earth
Engadget Pick: TomTom Go 700

Handheld of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Nokia 770
Engadget Pick: Nokia

HDTV of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Sony KDS-R60XBR1
Pick: Toshiba SED 50-inch

Home Entertainment Device of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Slingmedia Slingbox
Engadget Pick: Slingmedia Slingbox

Device of the Year

Readers’ Choice: iRobot Scooba
Engadget Pick: iRobot Scooba

Laptop of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Apple PowerBook (15-inch)
Engadget Pick:
IBM Thinkpad Z

Media PC of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Apple iMac G5 with
Front Row
Engadget Pick: Niveus Media K2

Peripheral of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 3100
Engadget Pick: IPEVO free-1 USB phone

Portable Audio Device of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Apple iPod Nano
Pick: iRiver U10

Portable Video Device of the Year
Readers’ Choice:
Apple iPod (5g)
Engadget Pick: Cowon A2

Robot of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Honda Asimo
Engadget Pick: Stanford’s VW Touareg "Stanley"

Tablet PC of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Lenovo ThinkPad X41
Engadget Pick:
Lenovo Thinkpad X41

Wearable Device of the Year
Readers’ Choice: Fossil
Atari watch
Engadget Pick: Seiko Spectrum e-ink watch

Wireless Technology of the

Readers’ Choice: 802.11n
Engadget Pick: 802.11n
