Las mejores peliculas que No viste en el 2007
Jan 11, 2008
Author: Rodrigo O. | Filed under: peliculas
En Firstshowing hacen un listado de 19 buenas peliculas que seguramente no viste en el 2007 y nos explican porque:
- Across the Universe
- Air Guitar Nation
- Angel-A
- The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
- Death at a Funeral
- Delirious
- Everything’s Gone Green
- Fido
- The Go-Getter
- Gone Baby Gone
- Grindhouse
- The Host
- Interview
- King of California
- The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
- The Lookout
- The Nines
- Sunshine
- Talk to Me
The Best 19 Movies You Didn’t See in 2007