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“I mean, really, my grandfather, I consider him the Jay-Z of his time, and he definitely has a legacy that a lot of people look up to. He feels strongly about my music and I love him to death. Of course we do two different things, and I don’t want people to see me for what he has done. But, what I have done, I mean from a musical and personal standpoint, is definitely influenced by him. Everyone around me influences me, and I have learned so much from him just listening to his records, but I hope his music continues to live on through what I continue to do the rest of my life.”
Pablo Dylan (Nieto rapero de Bob Dylan)
One Response for "Bob Dylan, el Jay-Z de su epoca"
es increible que aun viniendo de su propia familia salga una comparacion tan mal hecha, si le hubiera echado 2 segundos mas de reflexion hubiera cambiado el orden de los nombres