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Se dio a conocer cuales fueron las peliculas mas bajadas via torrent en este 2014, al parecer los gustos mejoraron respecto al mismo listado del año pasado.
La gran ganadora fue The Wolf of Wall Street con Leonardo Dicaprio.
1.The Wolf of Wall Street (30.035 million)
2. Frozen (29.919 million)
3. RoboCop (29.879 million)
4. Gravity (29.357 million)
5. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug) (27.627 million
6. Thor: The Dark World (25.749 million)
7. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (25.628 million)
8. The Legend of Hercules (25.137 million)
9. X-Men: Days of Future Past 24.380 million
10. 12 Years a Slave (23.653 million)
11. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (23.543 million)
12. American Hustle (23.143 million)
13. 300: Rise of an Empire (23.096 million)
14. Transformers: Age of Extinction (21.65 million)
15. Godzilla (20.956 million)
16. Noah (20.334 million)
17. Divergent (20.312 million)
18. Edge of Tomorrow (20.299 million)
19. Captain Phillips (19.817 million)
20. Lone Survivor (19.130 million)