La cantante Taylor Swift fue captada en unos shortcitos ajustados llegando al gimnasio en la ciudad de Nueva York.



Taylor Swift spotted arriving at the gym this afternoon

Taylor Swift starts her morning, with another trip to the gym

Taylor Swift spotted arriving at the gym this afternoon

Taylor Swift seen wearing Stellasport Adidas black shorts in New York City

Taylor Swift seen wearing Stellasport Adidas black shorts in New York City

Taylor Swift seen wearing Stellasport Adidas black shorts and holding an umbrella in New York City

Taylor Swift arrives to her gym in midtown in New York City.

Taylor Swift seen wearing Stellasport Adidas black shorts in New York City

Taylor Swift seen wearing Stellasport Adidas black shorts in New York City

Taylor Swift seen wearing Stellasport Adidas black shorts in New York City

Taylor Swfit arrives at the gym in New York

Taylor Swfit arrives at the gym in New York

Taylor Swfit arrives at the gym in New York

Taylor Swift leaving the gym on a raining day

