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El sitio Web Upon hace una recopilación de 45 sitios que dan música gratuita, aqui los primeros 10, en su sitio explican el porque.
Algunos consideran la estrategia de Radiohead de dejar decidir al publico el costo del disco Rainbows como un momento muy importante en el futuro de la industria musical, pero Radiohead no piensa hacerlo de nuevo dijo Thom Yorke en entrevista para Hollywood Reporter.
La banda no ha querido decir si el experimento fue exitoso económicamente ya que se piensa que muchos no pagaron nada por el.
Sin embargo Otras bandas están imitando este método, como NIN o ayer la banda Coldplay dio gratuitamente una canción.
Via Billboard
La banda Coldplay ha puesto de manera gratuita en su página web el primer sencillo de su nuevo album Viva la Vida de nombre Violet Hill y que saldra a la venta el 12 de Junio.
Prácticamente, no hay
nada mejor que lavarse la cara con agua fría y jabón. A no ser que haya entrado
al baño en forma de regalo de Navidad, no habrá un aftershave cuidadosamente
seleccionado en el armario del baño, porque eso no está en su lista de la
Es muy poco probable que un sábado por la tarde
veas a unos cuantos hombres en torno a
un mostrador de perfumes. Pero para todos aquellos que nunca pensaron que las
fragancias de hombre eran para ellos, podéis haber estado bien equivocados. Los
hombres están comenzando a mirar con buenos ojos el mundo de los perfumes y a
todas esas marcas que hacen oler a las mujeres tan bien, que también han puesto
sus miradas en los hombres.
Eres de los que sigue usando el Paint de windows para editar sus fotografias? Adobe ha lanzado una version gratuita de su herramienta estrella de edicion de fotografia, el Photoshop de nombre Express atraves de una aplicacion web donde tambien contaras con 2GB de almacenamiento.
Symptoms of Brain Tumor
All forms of brain tumor are serious, but if someone is diagnosed with a brain tumor, it is better to have benign brain tumor symptoms, rather than metastatic (cancerous) ones, because that means their particular tumor has not resulted in a cancerous growth. Unlike other symptoms of brain tumor-which include headaches, seizures, weakness, and personality changes-benign brain tumor symptoms are far less serious, considering the other possibilities. These sorts of brain tumors are composed of a smaller group of cells that do not follow the regular kind of cell division and growth patterns. They develop into a mass of cells that do not take on the characteristic appearance of a cancer. They might find out about this benign diagnosis when undergoing a CT or MRI scan. (CT stands for Computerized Tomography, often referred to as a CAT scan, or X-ray procedure, http://www.medicinenet.com/cat_scan/article.htm; MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, which is a radiology procedure that uses a computer to produce images of body structures http://www.medicinenet.com/mri_scan/article.htm.) On the other hand, this kind of tumor should not to be downplayed, but should be treated with extreme care and caution.
Though a benign brain tumor doesn’t usually develop into something cancerous, it can still happen. If someone has a family history of cancer, they should be diligent about getting frequent to regular medical checkups. The same holds true if they are often exposed to radiation or chemicals, such as formaldehyde.
There are numerous symptoms of brain tumor, such as changes in any of the five senses (sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch), a change in how they feel pain, pressure, or temperature, and loss of control over coordination, balance, or bodily functions. Those individuals with symptoms of brain tumor will often have difficulty doing things that used to be simple, such as walking, talking and retaining information from someone when they are speaking.
Brain tumor symptoms in teenagers are something to be aware of; tumors and cancers are no respecter of age. symptoms of brain tumor in women In fact, brain tumors are more common in young children and older adults than in the ages between. So, though brain tumor symptoms in teenagers may not be any different from the ones that adults experience, it does indicate something important: the symptoms are probably more aggressive than usual. (Since it is far rarer in teens, it should be taken that much more seriously.)
Other symptoms of brain tumor:
” Memory loss, confusion
” Muscle weakness in the face, arm, or leg (usually on one side) brain tumors symptoms
” Vertigo
” Changes in alertness
” Changes in behavior, mood, emotions, personality
” Eye abnormalities-eyelid drooping, different sized pupils, uncontrollable movements
Individuals should not immediately jump to conclusions if they display one or several symptoms of brain tumor, whether these are brain tumor symptoms in teenagers or symptoms in adults. If possible, consult a surgeon or medical doctor who is an expert in this area. There is surgery, treatments and procedures available out there for certain brain tumors. For instance, there is radiation therapy and chemotherapy as well as some procedures that will reduce brain swelling, pressure, and seizures. Pain medication and antacids are available to help deal with some symptoms, too.
Be sure to refer to several resources when conducting research for yourself or a loved one, symptoms of brain tumors in addition to getting regular medical checkups. Some such resources are as follows: