Hace unos dias aparecieron nuevos rumores sobre una reunión de Black Sabbath con la alineación original para un nuevo álbum y gira. La noticia dio la vuelta al mundo para después ser desmentida por Tony Iommi.

La agrupación con Ozzie como líder no ha sacado un álbum desde 1978.

A continuación el desmentido:

Black Sabbath Reunion

I’m saddened that a Birmingham journalist whom I trusted has chosen this point in time to take a conversation we had back in June and make it sound like we spoke yesterday about a Black Sabbath reunion.

At the time I was supporting the Home of Metal exhibition and was merely speculating, shooting the breeze, on something all of us get asked constantly, “Are you getting back together?”

Thanks to the internet it’s gone round the world as some sort of “official” statement on my part, absolute nonsense. I hope he’s enjoyed his moment of glory, he won’t have another at my expense.

To my old pals, Ozzy, Geezer and Bill, sorry about this, I should have known better.

All the best, Tony

En pocas palabras dice que esa declaración que dio en Junio al reportero la hizo solo especulando, lanzandola al aire nada mas.